Affordable Purchase Scheme
Find out about the Government initiative that can assist you in obtaining you’re mortgage and taking the next step towards owning your new home in Waterford’s newest urban village.
Find out about the Government initiative that can assist you in obtaining you’re mortgage and taking the next step towards owning your new home in Waterford’s newest urban village.
The Affordable Purchase scheme is a Government initiative, that is targeted to buyers who need assistance bridging the gap between their own available funds (including the Help to Buy scheme), the amount of mortgage that they can obtain and the cost of the new home.
The houses are targeted at first-time buyers (or fresh starters) who want to own their own newly built, A-rated home.
The scheme can provide up to a maximum of €75,000 of equity per house subject to a purchaser’s qualifying circumstances. This will be in the form of an equity stake, that you can buy out at any time after 5 years.
Applications for Affordable Purchase homes in Summerfields, Kilbarry, Waterford should be made through Waterford City & County Council’s website.